Basic WordPress Training

Basic WordPress Training

What is WordPress?

  • Basics & Fundamentals of WordPress.
  • Linux hosting and MySQL Database WordPress
  • Websites, Blogs, Landing, Squeez Pages, Money Page
  • Creating a WordPress blog within an existing or new website
  • Post and pages
  • WordPress themes Selection
  • WordPress plug-ins
  • WordPress widgets
  • Domain names and hosting Selection
  • Domain Name search
  • Setting up a domain name URL on Cpanel
  • Setting up website hosting & email with Cpanel

WordPress Installation

  • WordPress Installation using the C-Panel
  • Manual Installation of WordPress
  • Logging in to the WordPress Admin Pannel
  • WordPress Dashboard
  • Demo of WordPress admin options

Creating pages

  • Creating a new page
  • Entering a page title and body text
  • Permalink setup
  • Using the More button
  • Working in Full Screen
  • Spell checking within WordPress
  • Text Formatting
  • Removing formatting
  • Inserting custom characters and symbols
  • Previewing page
  • Draft vs. publishing and Schedule
  • Editing exiting pages or post
  • Deleting pages

Working with page HTML

  • Using Block Quotes
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Advanced Page options
  • Creating a static front page

Images & WordPress

  • Uploading images
  • The Image Library
  • Images Customization
  • Inserting images into a page or post
  • Resizing images
  • Alt Text
  • Captions
  • Deleting images
  • Featured images

Managing links

  • Internal anchor text links
  • External anchor text links
  • The importance of Anchor text
  • Images Hyperlink
  • Uploading documents
  • Linking to file downloads
  • Using Link Categories

YouTube Videos & WordPress

  • Embedding code on pages or post
  • Embedding a YouTube video into a page or post
  • Embedding a Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin Widget setup
  • Using YouTube plugins

Creating blog posts

  • The difference between posts and pages
  • Developing a blog within your WordPress website

Creating a new post

  • Text & image formatting in a post
  • Creating categories herrarichy
  • Creating and using tags
  • Managing comments in WordPress
  • Spam protection
  • Managing comments

WordPress Widgets

  • What are widgets?
  • The Widget area
  • Using installed widgets
  • Installing and customising new widgets


Nishant Vaity

Nishant Vaity is Software Engineer, Technology Mentor & Entrepreneur. He is passionate about the technologies and always eager to share & learn more from that passion. He is an experienced Software Engineer with 8+ years of experience in coding high-traffic websites. Proficient in HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS with LAMP / MAMP / WAMP Stack. Contributor for WordPress open source plugins and Translator (Marathi) for WordPress 4.5.x.

Vandan Saiya

Vandan Saiya is Senior Software Engineer & Technology Mentor with 5+ years of experience in website designing and web application development.

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